Channel: _Bootlegs via Rick Shide on Inoreader
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Date : 29/04/1970
Lieu : Fillmore West, San Francisco, California
Label :
Sigma (Réf. : Sigma 4)
Support : 2 cd
Durée : 130:40 mn
Source : Audience ou soundboard
Qualité sonore : 9/10

Liste des titres :

CD1 – 60:42

01. Grantchester Meadows (7:00)
02. Astronomy Domine (10:23)
03. Tuning (1:12)
04. Cymbaline (11:34)
05. Tuning (2:08)
06. Atom Heart Mother (20:22)
07. The Embryo (11:34)

CD2 – 69:58

01. Tuning (1:00)
02. Green Is The Colour (4:36)
03. Careful With That Axe, Eugene (11:37)
04. Set The Controls For The Heart Of The Sun (15:48)
05. Tuning (2:55)
06. A Saucerful Of Secrets (22:41)
07 Tuning (2:49)
08. Interstellar Overdrive (15:51)


Commentaire : Un MUST absolu pour tout amateur de Pink Floyd. Il s’agit d’un concert complet en qualité soundboard (ou bien un enregistrement audience exceptionnel). Pour ne rien gâcher, le groupe est particulièrement en forme et cette tournée est l’une des plus intéressante de l’histoire du groupe par le choix des titres, à cheval sur les débuts psychédéliques et sur le tournant progressif et planant de la carrière de Pink Floyd.

Ce concert existe sous la forme de nombreux bootlegs dont le plus connu est certainement « Interstellar Encore ». Personnellement je ne distingue pas de différence de qualité sonore entre cette version et celle du label Sigma.


La version « Westworld » est disponible ici* : http://thewitchwoodrecords.blogspot.fr/2013/11/pink-floyd-several-species-of-great.html

ou ici :  http://www.guitars101.com/forums/f145/pink-floyd-1970-04-29-san-francisco-ca-sbd-flac-127331.html

*Assurez-vous que le téléchargement de ces fichiers ne contrevienne pas à la législation en vigueur.



version « Definitive Westworld » :

Bootleg n°3401

Bruce Springsteen [1975.10.17] Watch Me Now (Late Show) [FM]



Bruce Springsteen & The E Street Band
'Watch Me Now' (Late Show)
Master Tapes Series
Roxy Theatre
West Hollywood, California, USA
Friday October 17th, 1975 (Late Show)

Good Audience Recording
Encoded: 320 Kbps MP3

Track List: (Artwork Included)
Disc 1:
101. Thunder Road
102. Tenth Avenue Freeze-Out
103. Spirit In The Night
104. It’s Gonna Work Out Fine
105. When You Walk In The Room
106. She’s The One
107. Born To Run
108. Sandy
Disc 2:
201. Backstreets
202. Kitty’s Back
203. Jungleland
204. Rosalita
205. Goin’ Back
206. Detroit Medley

Bruce Springsteen [1975.10.17] Roxy Theatre (Early Show) [FM]



Bruce Springsteen & The E Street Band
Roxy Theatre (Early Show)
West Hollywood, California, USA
Friday October 17th, 1975 (Early Show)

FM Stereo Broadcast Recording
Encoded: 320 Kbps MP3

Track List: (Artwork Included)
Disc 1:
101. Speaker Introduction 1:02
102. Thunder Road 6:15
103. Tenth Avenue Freeze-Out 4:02
104. Spirit In The Night 7:23
105. Pretty Flamingo (edited) 11:44
106. She’s The One (edited) 6:19
107. Born To Run 4:40
108. Intro 1:15
109. 4th Of July, Asbury Park (Sandy) 7:00
Disc 2:
201. Backstreets (edited) 7:20
202. Kitty’s Back (edited) 19:30
203. Jungleland 9:26
204. Rosalita (Come Out Tonight) (edited) 10:12
205. Going Back 5:53
206. Detroit Medley (edited) 6:39
Original Versions Included:
105b. Pretty Flamingo 11:45
106b. She’s The One 6:19
201b. Backstreets 7:21
202b. Kitty’s Back 19:30
204b. Rosalita (Come Out Tonight) 9:48
206b. Detroit Medley 6:40

AC/DC-Live in Sydney, 30.01.1977



The Haymarket
Sydney, Australia


01-Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap
03-The Jack
04-Can I Sit Next To You Girl
05-High Voltage
07-It's A Long Way To the Top

Van Morrison - 2005-08-06 - Bonn, DE (AUD/FLAC)

Van Morrison - 2005-08-06 - Bonn, DE
(Audience FLAC)

6 AUGUST 2005

1h 30m, Candy Dulfer from "Moondance" onwards
Audience recording. Good sound but some audience noises.
Nice show, performance above average.
Exact lineage unknown.

Ned Edwards
David Hayes
Matt Holland
Mark T Jordan
Bobby Ruggiero
Martin Winning
Guest: Candy Dulfer

1 This Love Of Mine
2 Goldfish Bowl
3 Have I Told You Lately [Las Vegas version]
4 Back On Top
5 Moondance
6 Gypsy In My Soul
7 Fever
8 Magic Time
9 Precious Time [scat ending]
10 Here Comes The Night
11 Ain’t That Loving You Baby?

1 Celtic New Year
2 Little Village
3 Domino
4 Days Like This
5 That’s Life
6 Goin’ Down Geneva > Brand New Cadillac
7 Brown Eyed Girl
8 Gloria




Attached Images
File Type: jpg 2005_08_06_Bonn_front.jpg (236.3 KB)
File Type: jpg 2005_08_06_Bonn_back.jpg (583.2 KB)

Van Morrison - 2005-08-06 - Bonn, DE (AUD/FLAC)

Van Morrison - 2005-08-06 - Bonn, DE
(Audience FLAC)

6 AUGUST 2005

1h 30m, Candy Dulfer from "Moondance" onwards
Audience recording. Good sound but some audience noises.
Nice show, performance above average.
Exact lineage unknown.

Ned Edwards
David Hayes
Matt Holland
Mark T Jordan
Bobby Ruggiero
Martin Winning
Guest: Candy Dulfer

1 This Love Of Mine
2 Goldfish Bowl
3 Have I Told You Lately [Las Vegas version]
4 Back On Top
5 Moondance
6 Gypsy In My Soul
7 Fever
8 Magic Time
9 Precious Time [scat ending]
10 Here Comes The Night
11 Ain’t That Loving You Baby?

1 Celtic New Year
2 Little Village
3 Domino
4 Days Like This
5 That’s Life
6 Goin’ Down Geneva > Brand New Cadillac
7 Brown Eyed Girl
8 Gloria




Attached Images
File Type: jpg 2005_08_06_Bonn_front.jpg (236.3 KB)
File Type: jpg 2005_08_06_Bonn_back.jpg (583.2 KB)

Peter Gabriel [1994.06.26] Glastonbury Festival 1994 [SBD]



Peter Gabriel
'Glastonbury Festival 1994'
(Festival Music : FMCD-001/002)
Glastonbury Festival
Secret World Tour
Worthy Farm, Pilton, England
June 26th, 1994

Soundboard Recording
Encoded: 320 Kbps MP3


Track List: (Artwork Included)
01. Intro
02. Come Talk to Me
03. Quiet Steam
04. Steam
05. Games Without Frontiers
06. Across the River
07. Shakin' the Tree [Youssou N’Dour cover]
08. Blood of Eden
09. Red Rain
10. San Jacinto
11. Solsbury Hill
12. Digging in the Dirt
13. Sledgehammer
14. Secret World
15. In Your Eyes
16. Biko

WOBBLER - From Silence To Somewhere (2017)

Hubo un tiempo en que la música era un arte respetado y todo aquel con sensibilidad y una buena formación podía incluso vivir de ello. La música no es una cosa que se “aprenda” o se “obligue”. Se nace con ello.

 Nunca que se ha “forzado” la música ha dado buenos resultados. Padres empeñados en que un niño toque un instrumento o machacarlo para que un día sea un futbolista de élite o un prestigioso médico o abogado no sirve absolutamente para nada. Las capacidades en la vida nos son innatas, y o nacemos con ellas o no nacemos. Por qué un niño o una niña con poca edad sin apenas conocimientos puede tocar con fluidez un instrumento. El que sea. Y otros machacados con horas y horas de férrea disciplina jamás llegarán a nada, es un verdadero misterio. En la vida nada se impone, todo surge de manera natural. Se puede llegar a odiar una cosa si te obligan a ello. La disciplina es un absurdo si no existen capacidades para la materia que sea. Ahora bien, si le perdemos el respeto a esas capacidades humanas y no allanamos inteligentemente el camino para esos individuos que realmente valen, la mediocridad y el desastre la tendremos asegurada. Hoy ese desastre lo podemos ver en todo lo que la inútil mano del hombre ha creado. Nada que no sea negocio importa: políticos iletrados y poderes públicos solo interesados en que nadie piense. La cultura no interesa porque es mala para el negocio y las humanidades un peligro para quienes ostentan el poder. Pan y circo. 

El siglo XXI en el que nos encontramos, es y será la panacea del mal y la imbecilidad congénita. Y no tienen solución ninguna. Se avecinan guerras,horrores y represión sin límites. Ni el arte, ni la literatura, ni la filosofía, ni la música van a salvarnos porque el plan del mundo es cargárselos para siempre. Esta perfectamente diseñado por el neoliberalismo y los fascismos emergentes del signo que sean. Los gobernantes actuales dan miedo porque su coeficiente está por debajo de cero coma cero. Son ridículos ciertamente pero también peligrosos. ¿Y a qué viene todo esto que os cuento y que probablemente os aburra…? A que aprovechéis el tiempo que nos queda. La música que queda y lo poco de hermoso que queda en este mundo como este álbum final, al menos de momento, de los noruegos Wobbler.


Cuando uno escucha un disco espera una chispa que lo ponga en funcionamiento. Pocos lo consiguen a día de hoy y este “From Silence To Somewhere” es uno de ellos. Desde el primer corte con sus 20 mtos hasta el final de esta aventura sonora, parece que todo lo tremendamente pesimista que os he relatado en líneas anteriores solo ha sido un mal sueño. Ojalá así fuese. La música de éste álbum es preciosa, exquisita y una inflexión incluso superior a sus anteriores discos.  Como un buen vino envejecido y grandioso. La música te lleva a donde quiere de manera amable, emocionante. Los ecos del pasado de la humanidad y de su música más hermosa están presentes. No quieren estar “al día” como tampoco yo quiero. Detesto los tiempos que nos tocan vivir y al igual que toda la buena música de siempre, intento escapar mientras lo escucho. Lo he hecho siempre, ya sea con Mahler o con Coltrane, con Copland o ELP, con Sibelius o Yes, o con Stravinsky o Soft Machine o con Ravel o Anthony Phillips. En realidad, todos nos llevan al mismo sitio o a la eternidad o a la miseria. A lo que “es” o a lo que podría “haber sido”. El eterno misterio de la música y de la vida.
 Alberto Torró


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que está al final del artículo, de esta forma contribuirás a la continuidad del blog. Gracias

NEW post for Reliquary Elite (2018.11.29) The Who Deluxe

Frank Zappa: Kansas City - April 13, 1980


mp3 192 kbps

Soldiers & Sailors Memorial Hall, Kansas City, KS - Early show
1980 04 13
Very Good Audience

Watermelon In Easter Hay
Teenage Wind
Harder Than Your Husband
Bamboozled By Love
Pick Me I'm Clean
Society Pages
I'm A Beautiful Guy
Beauty Knows No Pain
Charlie's Enormous Mouth
Any Downers?
Easy Meat
Mudd Club
The Meek Shall Inherit Nothing
Heavenly Bank Account
Suicide Chump
Jumbo Go Away
If Only She Woulda
I Don't Wanna Get Drafted
Joe's Garage
Why Does It Hurt When I Pee?
Lucille Has Messed My Mind Up
You Didn't Try To Call Me 

Frank Zappa: Live in Melbourne


mp3 320 kbps

Festival Hall, Melbourne
Good Audience

1. Uncle Meat (Main Theme) / Uncle Meat Variations
2. Dog Breath
3. Uncle Meat (Main Theme)
4. Montana
5. Fifty-Fifty
6. Mudshark
7. Farther Oblivion 

Musicians: Frank Zappa, Jean-Luc Ponty, George Duke, Ian Underwood, Ruth Underwood, Bruce Fowler, Tom Fowler, Ralph Humphrey and Sal Marquez

Frank Zappa - Kansas City - April 13, 1980

mp3 192 kbps

Soldiers & Sailors Memorial Hall, Kansas City, KS - Early show
1980 04 13
Very Good Audience

Watermelon In Easter Hay
Teenage Wind
Harder Than Your Husband
Bamboozled By Love
Pick Me I'm Clean
Society Pages
I'm A Beautiful Guy
Beauty Knows No Pain
Charlie's Enormous Mouth
Any Downers?
Easy Meat
Mudd Club
The Meek Shall Inherit Nothing
Heavenly Bank Account
Suicide Chump
Jumbo Go Away
If Only She Woulda
I Don't Wanna Get Drafted
Joe's Garage
Why Does It Hurt When I Pee?
Lucille Has Messed My Mind Up
You Didn't Try To Call Me


Kansas_City_April_13_1980.zip (146,52 MB) - uploaded.net

Frank Zappa - Kansas City - April 13, 1980

mp3 192 kbps

Soldiers & Sailors Memorial Hall, Kansas City, KS - Early show
1980 04 13
Very Good Audience

Watermelon In Easter Hay
Teenage Wind
Harder Than Your Husband
Bamboozled By Love
Pick Me I'm Clean
Society Pages
I'm A Beautiful Guy
Beauty Knows No Pain
Charlie's Enormous Mouth
Any Downers?
Easy Meat
Mudd Club
The Meek Shall Inherit Nothing
Heavenly Bank Account
Suicide Chump
Jumbo Go Away
If Only She Woulda
I Don't Wanna Get Drafted
Joe's Garage
Why Does It Hurt When I Pee?
Lucille Has Messed My Mind Up
You Didn't Try To Call Me


Kansas_City_April_13_1980.zip (146,52 MB) - uploaded.net

Frank Zappa - Live in Melbourne

mp3 320 kbps

Festival Hall, Melbourne

Good Audience

1. Uncle Meat (Main Theme) / Uncle Meat Variations

2. Dog Breath

3. Uncle Meat (Main Theme)

4. Montana
5. Fifty-Fifty
6. Mudshark

7. Farther Oblivion

Musicians: Frank Zappa, Jean-Luc Ponty, George Duke, Ian Underwood, Ruth Underwood, Bruce Fowler, Tom Fowler, Ralph Humphrey and Sal Marquez


Live_in_Melbourne.zip (97,86 MB) - uploaded.net

Frank Zappa - Live in Melbourne

mp3 320 kbps

Festival Hall, Melbourne

Good Audience

1. Uncle Meat (Main Theme) / Uncle Meat Variations

2. Dog Breath

3. Uncle Meat (Main Theme)

4. Montana
5. Fifty-Fifty
6. Mudshark

7. Farther Oblivion

Musicians: Frank Zappa, Jean-Luc Ponty, George Duke, Ian Underwood, Ruth Underwood, Bruce Fowler, Tom Fowler, Ralph Humphrey and Sal Marquez


Live_in_Melbourne.zip (97,86 MB) - uploaded.net

Lossless Bootleg Bonanza: Grateful Dead – San Francisco, CA (03/03/71)


Grateful Dead - New York - 1971-03-03-Fillmore-East

Grateful Dead
Fillmore West
San Francisco, California

Download: FLAC/MP3


This is a flac encoded & tagged version of shnid: 6248

–Set 1*–
101-d1t01 – Casey Jones
102-d1t-2 – Hard to Handle
103-d1t03 – Playing in the Band
104-d1t04 – Loser
105-d1t05 – Me & Bobbie McGee
106-d1t06 – Next TIme You See Me
107-d1t07 – Beat It on Down the Line
108-d1t08 – Bertha

–Set 2*–
201-d1t09 – Me & My Uncle
202-d2t01 – Truckin’ ->
203-d2t02 – Drums ->
204-d2t03 – The Other One ->
205-d2t04 – Wharf Rat ->
206-d2t05 – Sugar Magnolia
207-d2t06 – I’m a King Bee
208-d2t07 – Greatest Story Ever Told -> Johnny B. Goode
209-d2t08 – Good Lovin’

*It is likely the 1st set is incomplete. Also, there is no indication that
MAMU started the 2nd set or that it is placed properly before Truckin’.

-cassette gen?,
-disc # 2 has tracking errors,
-minor reel glitch at 4:32 of The Other One,
-splice at 11:05 of The Other One, comes back in after rewinding about 3 seconds,
-Sugar Mag cuts at 4:09,
-King Bee, GSET>JB Goode & Good Lovin? seem to be patched from an inferior, more
hissy SBD source,
B+ quality at best

Thanks to Paul B. for hooking me up with these fine shows.
Seeded to etree by Mike Lai.
song info send to usalai@nycap.rr.com

Mike Cooley Live at The Strand Theatre on 2018-11-28


01 Greeting 02 Pulaski 03 Ghost To Most 04 Space City 05 Cartoon Gold 06 Made Up English Oceans 07 Birthday Boy 08 Self Destructive Zone 09 Women With Whiskey 10 Cottonseed 11 72, This Highway's Mean 12 Ramon Casiano 13 Shit Shots Count 14 Surrender Under Protest 15 First Air Of Autumn 16 Natural Li....

This item belongs to: etree/MikeCooley.

This item has files of the following types: Archive BitTorrent, Columbia Peaks, Flac, Flac FingerPrint, Item Tile, JPEG, JPEG Thumb, Metadata, Ogg Vorbis, PNG, Spectrogram, Text, VBR MP3

A.R.M.S. Concert - 1983-11-29 - Dallas, TX (HQ AUD)

ARMS Concert
With Eric Clapton, Jeff Bwck & Jimmy Page

Reunion Arena
Dallas, TX
HQ Audience recording
320 kbps
Artwork Included

CD 1:
01. Introduction
02. Everybody Ought To Make A Change
03. Lay Down Sally
04. Wonderful Tonight
05. Rita Mae
06. Sad Sad Day > Have You Ever Loved a Woman?
07. Cocaine
08. Don't Talk To Me
09. Watching River Flow
10. Worried Life Blues
11. You Are So Beautiful
12. Seven Days
13. Feelin' Alright
14. Star Cycle
15. The Pump
16. Definitely Maybe

CD 2:
01. Blue Wind
02. People Get Ready
03. Going Down
04. Prelude
05. Who's To Blame
06. City Sirens
07. Boogie Mama
08. Midnight Moonlight
09. Stairway To Heaven
10. Layla
11. With A Little Help From My Friends
12. Goodnight Irene

A.R.M.S. Concert - 1983-11-29 - Dallas, TX (HQ AUD)

A.R.M.S. Concerts 1983 - Back to Back - #2: As promised yesterday, here's part 2 of of our Back To Back set featuring the A.R.M.S  concerts in the US in 1983. This one is a high quality audience recording from Dallas from November 29, 1983, 35 years ago today. NOTE - FULL DISCLOSURE - the sound on these 2 ARMS shows is a bit below our normal quality standards here at So Many Roads, but the concerts are so historic, and fit perfectly with our theme, that we decided to post them.



Lossless Bootleg Bonanza: Grateful Dead – San Francisco, CA (03/03/71)


Grateful Dead - New York - 1971-03-03-Fillmore-East

Grateful Dead
Fillmore West
San Francisco, California

Download: FLAC/MP3


This is a flac encoded & tagged version of shnid: 6248

–Set 1*–
101-d1t01 – Casey Jones
102-d1t-2 – Hard to Handle
103-d1t03 – Playing in the Band
104-d1t04 – Loser
105-d1t05 – Me & Bobbie McGee
106-d1t06 – Next TIme You See Me
107-d1t07 – Beat It on Down the Line
108-d1t08 – Bertha

–Set 2*–
201-d1t09 – Me & My Uncle
202-d2t01 – Truckin’ ->
203-d2t02 – Drums ->
204-d2t03 – The Other One ->
205-d2t04 – Wharf Rat ->
206-d2t05 – Sugar Magnolia
207-d2t06 – I’m a King Bee
208-d2t07 – Greatest Story Ever Told -> Johnny B. Goode
209-d2t08 – Good Lovin’

*It is likely the 1st set is incomplete. Also, there is no indication that
MAMU started the 2nd set or that it is placed properly before Truckin’.

-cassette gen?,
-disc # 2 has tracking errors,
-minor reel glitch at 4:32 of The Other One,
-splice at 11:05 of The Other One, comes back in after rewinding about 3 seconds,
-Sugar Mag cuts at 4:09,
-King Bee, GSET>JB Goode & Good Lovin? seem to be patched from an inferior, more
hissy SBD source,
B+ quality at best

Thanks to Paul B. for hooking me up with these fine shows.
Seeded to etree by Mike Lai.
song info send to usalai@nycap.rr.com

Lossless Bootleg Bonanza: Grateful Dead – Madison, WI (03/14/71)


Grateful Dead - Madison - 1971-03-14-Camp-Randal

The Grateful Dead
Mach 14, 1971
Camp Randall Field House
U of Wisconsin
Madison WI

Download: FLAC/MP3

This is a flac enocded & tagged version of shnid: 6115

Source: Sbd> MR> Dat> CD
Conversion: Kenwood TrueX >EAC(range/high/secure)> CDWav(split)>shn V3

Conversion & Seed: Brian Cole (cole7007@yahoo.com) 11/14/01

–Set 1–
101-d1t01 – Truckin’ (09:30)
102-d1t02 – Me & My Uncle (05:08)
103-d1t03 – Hurts Me Too (06:11)
104-d1t04 – Bertha (07:49)
105-d1t05 – Me & Bobby McGee (06:47)
106-d1t06 – Hard to Handle (10:32)
107-d1t07 – Loser (06:37)
108-d2t01*- Good Lovin’ (21:45)

–Set 2–
201-d2t02 – Casey Jones (06:18)
202-d2t03 – Sugar Magnolia (06:31)
203-d2t04 – Wharf Rat (11:33)
204-d2t05 – Greatest Story Ever Told-> (04:27)
205-d2t06 – Johnny B Goode (03:51)
206-d2t07 – Uncle John’s Band (07:25)

–disc 1 total time–52:34–
–disc 2 total time–61:50–
*Good Lovin’ will fit on an 80 minute disc


Minor editing following Good Lovin’ (d2t01)
Moderate editing during Hard To Handle (d1t06)

This show was provided by Jim Oade at http://www.oade.com. Jim has graciously
allowed quite a few older shows from his collection to be seeded to
etree. This is the first of many from the 1970-1972 era. Enjoy this
fine seed compliments of Jim.


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